What is Truth?

I have two points I would like to make with this; the first being truth itself. What is it? Who has it? How does one obtain it? Secondly, I would like to go onto the topic of arrogance, and how it affects truth.
I would like to point out that I am writing this because I have started reading John MacArthur’s ‘The Truth War’. And so, I would like to begin with this question; what is truth? Some say it is something no one can know. Others say that only a select group can really know what it is, as in, only a group of smarter, more experienced men can tell you what it is. And then there is the group that thinks everyone has truth. Even if they don’t believe in God, Christianity or any god at all (Although everyone has a god, be it themselves, something or someone else). They say that all are saved, because they have good intention(s). None of these points are right, and they all come from one thing; the avoiding of the real truth. The one that is not popular. The one that offends people, and can get you killed just for believing it. And that view comes from sin, and the neglecting of the job to push for the real truth, because, as was stated, it offends and is not popular. The real truth is unmoving. The real truth is unchanging. And, most of all, it is perfect. This is because the Word is truth, and God (Jesus) is the Word (See John 1:1 and John 14:6). And God is perfect, unmoving and unchanging. He does not move around like jello to fit into our molds so that everyone is right. We are supposed to be the jello. We are supposed to change so we can fit into the mold that is truth. The truth is the mold. We become something new when we change to fit into the mold. And all of the other people that reject the perfect mold, and think that other jello can mold into them, are greatly offended when they see that you, the good jello, don’t make your own mold, or act as though you are the mold, but instead form yourself to fit into the mold that is the truth. The Word. God. And people hate doing so, because it means we have to change, and we are born sinners. We are born into a different form. And to change, we must be willing to rid ourselves of the extra, useless stuff, and the whole process can be, and will be, painful. We are all born in the shape of a circle (Jello). And to fit into the square mold (The truth), we must go through a change. We must cut off the extra so that we fit into the mold. And this is not natural for anyone that is born in the shape of a circle (Which all mankind is). But, most people don’t realize that we are on our way to the packaging, which is a square box, and that package is eternal life. But, unless we change to fit that package, we will not go into it. We will be thrown away if we don’t fit. And so, even though the path to the packaging is not natural, not comfortable and is not popular amongst the other jello, we still must do it, if we wish to go and be with Christ forever.
The second part to this is arrogance. Arrogance is something we are all born with, and is something we all must deal with our whole lives. I’m sure no one would disagree with that. Although, some, if not most, want to embrace it. For them, it is the only truth. They are their own god. And most so-called “Christians” don’t know how harmful arrogance is. This is where the “what does it mean to me?” way of thinking comes in. As MacArthur puts it,
“Whenever I hear someone talk like that, I’m inclined to ask, “What did the Bible mean before you existed? What does God mean by what he says?”
We are not unmoving. We change. We must change if we believe the truth. We are the jello, and the truth is the mold. If we are so arrogant as to say to God, “I am the maker of my own destiny!” then we don’t have a grasp on truth. There is no such thing as “our own truth.” There is only one truth. The arrogance of man is an amazing thing. It misuses reason, facts and logic. It thinks it is higher than the potter. That it knows more than the one that made it. How can we ever expect to get to heaven on our own if we are born with that? If it misuses reason, then we cannot use our own reason to get to heaven. If it misuses facts, so how can we expect to get to heaven by good works? And it misuses logic. So how can we expect to get to heaven using our logical reasoning? Asking, “What does it mean to me?” is asking “What does God mean to me?” What arrogance! When you go  out and buy a drug of some type (Medicine), and you go to drink the horrible tasting liquid, you don’t think “What do I think this will do to me?” You know you must drink it because it will heal the specific sickness you have. You may think “I want this to make me stronger!” but it is not made to do that. That is not its purpose (Depending on the drug I suppose. Just an example). If you have a headache, and you go to the store and see a bottle of rat poison and think “What do I think that will do to me? I think it will get rid of this headache” and so you get it and take a few pellets. What do you think will happen? Human arrogance, simply put, is stupidity. If God tells us to buy the Aspirin, then we buy the Aspirin to get rid of the headache. If one chooses for themselves, not knowing anything about any of the drugs (Or poisons) that are in the aisle, we will most defiantly choose the wrong one (If one cannot read of course). The odds of us choosing the right bottle in an aisle of hundreds of different kinds are too small. We don’t know how to find truth on our own. We are 100% sure to choose the wrong thing when we go looking for truth on our own. Only the Holy Spirit can give us the right truth. He said “Don’t take anything else but this” and so we take it. If we attempt to choose ourselves, it will kill us. We are arrogant on our own. And, left on our own, we will always choose the poison over the real medicine.


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