Thoughts on Miracles

Miracles. So many people claim that they have either seen one, or done one themselves. And many of these people claim to be Christian, yet they all miss the point of a miracle. So many people think that a miracle is a huge event that is supernatural and has a huge presence where ever it happens. Whenever I see on those "Christian" TV Stations, all those people pushing someone down on the ground, yelling out, hopping up and down to strange music and acting like complete wackos, I always go back to the same question. What is the point of a miracle for a Christian? Clearly miracles were not enough to save people from hell. For example, whenever I make some sort of dessert (Cake, brownies, cookies, etc), there is always something left over in the bowl or on the spoon. And these things catch the eyes of certain little children that happen to be going through the kitchen. Now, every time I make something (Dessert of some type), I go over and randomly hand a spoon (Or the bowl, depending on the mood I am in) to one of the nearby kids. Of course, all of the other kids see this, and instantly begin to ask for something, saying things along the lines of "I want one too!" and "Why do they get some?" My answer is always simple. "No." And so, all of the other kids watch as the one (Or two, depending on what I am making) lick the spoon and/or bowl. Now, a few months later, if not sooner, I make something again. And, as always, the kids begin to stare at the bowl, pan or spoon, and as Stephen so often asks me, "What ye making?" And, once the pan is in the oven, I randomly hand the spoon/bowl to one or two of the nearby kids. And, as they enjoy whatever it is I have made, the one kid (Or two) that had gotten the same thing the last time, comes in and sees the other(s) licking the spoon/bowl, and instantly do what I expect them to do. "Can I have some Tim?" and "Why do they get some?" So, I will walk over and ask them "Have you forgotten? You got it last time." But, as is natural for human beings, they walk away with either the face of anger or jealousy. This is the case with miracles. No matter how great the miracle, people will still forget about it. They might say at first, "But if this happened, I would surely believe God was real!" Didn't Israel do the same thing in the Old Testament? They were given many, many miracles. Yet how many times did they fail afterwards?  So why is it that people still want big miracles today? Because they do not know what the purpose of the miracle(s) is/are. Clearly Christ did not do the miracles to gain the full belief in the minds of the people that watched. Many of the people that saw the miracles, and celebrated him, ended up nailing him to a cross, which was the most brutal of deaths back in that day. So how is it we can say any different? Those people saw Christ himself. They saw plenty of miracles. Yet they killed the one who did them with utter hatred. Is that not proof enough that miracles are of no use when it comes to saving people? They may be used as examples, but they surely cannot save one person at all. The miracles you see on TV are all scams. They are done twice a week (If not more), and seem to be the only thing that happens anymore at these so-called "churches". So I think it is safe to say that miracles are of little importance, as the world sees them. I see plenty of things everyday that remind me that God is in total control, and I could easily consider many of the things that happen in my day-to-day life, if not all, miracles. People are always looking for the wrong things. Always choosing the wrong path, whenever they are left to themselves. If you walk on a sidewalk with your eyes shut, what do you think will happen at some point? You will go left or right. You might trip over something. Is this not the case with the path to truth? If we trust ourselves, we close our eyes, and soon enough, we are either off the path or tripping over something we did not see coming.

These are just some of my thoughts on all of the so-called "miracles" that are going on all the time in those "churches".


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