Ephesians 6:10-20: The Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-20
 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

The Purpose of the Armor
When people hear of the armor of God, they often think that it is for the purpose of fighting off demons, and as some have done in the past, fighting off (physically) those that deny the Truth.
Now, why do we have this armor? Why have armor when our war is not of “flesh and blood”?
1.       “Be strong in the Lord”. Far too many assume that this is some sort of magical strength we gain all of a sudden, and we can go on combating the evil of the world. Yet, this is in direct contradiction to the fact that this war is not of flesh and blood.
The strength given to us from God is mentioned throughout the Bible. (Ex. 15:2; Ps. 21:13; 22:19;(Just read Psalms).) It is not a magical feeling, but rather, it is the proper boldness, as is mentioned later on in this passage. He is our Commander in this war. And, contrary to popular belief, this is not our war. This is His. We are simply tools in this war that He has made for His own uses. The idea of “free will” is something that is the equivalent of rebellion in this army.
2.       “The schemes of the devil”. This is one of the most used phrases by the so-called modern church. Many claim that the devil is “out to get you, and if you don’t fight back, you’re going to die!” Granted, there is some truth to this. But the context of which they use it is far into the realm of lies and deception. The schemes are actually something that come quite naturally to all of us. After all, we are all born with sin. Satan, in a sense, already has a foothold in each of us to work with. We all want evil at one time or another, right? Therefore, these schemes are that of simply using our sinful nature against us. We are constantly tempted, are we not? We know how it works. "so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes” (2 Cor. 2:11). And Satan very well knows how to use this foothold, as "the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). Yet, so many fall prey to these schemes. Far too many people look at statements like "‘Is it right for You indeed to oppress, To reject the labor of Your hands, And to look favorably on the schemes of the wicked?'" (Job 10:3) and reply to them “Yes!” Or, at least, they do this in their actions. So, the schemes of the devil are not as most people assume. They are not what most people assume, such as demons flying around shooting flaming arrows at us (more on this later).

The War
Far too many think that this war is something we all can see around us (in the wrong way). They think that we are actually battling demons and devils, fighting them off with our good works (and with some, good looks). Yet, this is so far from the Truth, and is naturally something Satan uses as one of his many schemes.
1.       What this war isn’t about. “flesh and blood” is something that almost everyone skips over. Obviously people like the Crusaders looked at this and said something along the lines of “Well, obviously this is figurative! Of course we kill those that deny God!” Yet, does this not pull us down to the level of almost every other religion in the world? Did not Christ rebuke Peter after he fought back with his sword? (John 18:10-11)
Obviously Christ did not fight back. In fact, He let men beat Him, scourge Him and then kill Him. Was He not our example?
Now, many mistake the “rulers, authorities” and so on, to mean Governments and bosses. But this too is far from the Truth. This is a direct contradiction to 1 Peter 2:13-20. We are not to fight Governments and such because they are mean to us. We are to obey them (the extent that we can, without denying Truth), because God put them over us. And again, Christ is the perfect example of our behavior. (See 1 Pet. 2:21-22.)
a.       When speaking of “dark forces”, this is most certainly not saying that we will beat them.             As I said, this is not our war.

2.       What this war is about. First, we must ask ourselves, which is worse? Death on this earth, or eternal death? Obviously, eternal. So, whom are we to fear? Mankind, who can only kill our body, while Almighty God can destroy both body and soul in eternal hell (Matt. 10:28).
So, who are these rulers, authorities and so on? Perhaps the question should be asked, what rules over a man more than anything else? Another person, or sin? Hmmm… Tough one. Really, the ruler of this world is sin. People give far too much credit to Satan, saying that he is the one who makes us sin. Yet, in reality, he is only one that tempts us. Though, Satan is described as the “prince of the power and the air”. He did tempt Eve back in Genesis. Though, “the devil has sinned from the beginning.” Not, “the devil has made people sin from the beginning.” He is ruled by sin himself, as he fell into it in the beginning, which is why he was cast out of Heaven.
Sin, therefore, is the ruler of this earth, in a sense. God of course has complete control over all, otherwise He would not be God.
3.       How this war is fought. As I have mentioned, this is not a war of physical combat. Far from it. We do not go around beating up and killing those who reject Christ. This is not our war. Vengeance is not ours, though that is against the belief of the world. “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,’ says the Lord” (Rom. 12:19).

Standing Firm
1.       The day of evil. Some may assume that this is referring to the last days. This is not the case however. This is in reference to our work now (Eph. 5:15-16).
We must treat every day as an evil day. After all, we are most often attacked on the days we aren’t ready. We must constantly be on the lookout for the attacks, as they come in temptation, which is the front of the oncoming sin always. Lest the day becoming boring and we let our guard down.
2.       Having done everything to stand. In other words, stand your ground! For a soldier, retreat is not something that he longs for, is it? Much less defeat. And in this war, retreat is not an option. After all, we can only be killed. And by that, I mean, man can only kill our body. So many forget that Christ paid the price. We can only die in our body, and only once.
Therefore, we this must be a fight to the death. And too, death will only result in us being brought before our Savior, and He says “Enter into the joy of your Master”. So, when we stand our ground, we are fearless. We know what awaits us in death, don’t we? Yet, if we fail to stand out ground, we will not only die physically, but enter into the pain of eternal hell.
Now, this of course does mean that we can do anything to stand. It means we must do everything to stand. A soldier does not shoot himself in the head during battle, does he? And we do not forsake the Truth. That would be the same as killing ourselves, as it is exactly what that would be doing. So when it says “everything”, it is speaking of Christians. We cannot go against the very Truth that saves us, can we? It is not longer I that sin anyway (Rom. 7:14-25). We do all that we can to stand. Lest we fail and truly, eternally die.

The Armor
1.       The Loins of Truth.
I do find it very interesting that the very base of this suit of armor is Truth. Truth is the very foundation of this armor. Without it, all else would collapse. So, the first thing that must be put on is the Truth.
Some translate this as “belt of Truth”. This is also good, as it is something we must tighten properly. It also holds the sword.
Now, if it is true that “Truth is relative”, than one would be lead to believe- nay, would be forced to believe- that so is this armor. If the Truth is relative, then it really doesn’t matter what kind of armor we put on, right? Nay! What kind of soldier puts on thin cloth for armor? The Truth we put on is a sure, steady and everlasting foundation; The work of Christ.
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me’”. - John 14:6.
2.       The Breastplate of Righteousness.
Back in the days of Paul, this was worn to protect the main body. It is one of the more important pieces of armor, as it not only shows who we are (Who’s army we belong to), but it also is the protector of one of the main points of attacks from the enemy. (A soldier was more likely to aim for the body than anything else, as it is the biggest target.)
Now, how is our righteousness protective? Well, first off, we have no righteousness in and of ourselves. Secondly, the righteousness Paul is talking about here is the results from our salvation. We do good works because we are saved, not to be saved. And really, it is Christ in me that brings these out, not anything of myself.
Thus, striving to live righteously is something we must do, because, after all, if we don’t live righteously, we are living sinfully. Why should we live righteously if it isn’t I that am doing it anyway? This is a point of view a lot of people fall into, and it is something that more is used more often than not, that being the idea that because God is sovereign, we just sit around and expect Him to do some miracles. Yet, this goes against our calling as soldiers. What kind of soldier sits around waiting for things to happen? Isn’t everything he does just a result of millions of small things happening in his body anyway? No! A soldier does not sit in the middle of a battlefield saying to himself, “Well, why fight? It is just reactions from things firing in my brain anyhow, right?” It really is no longer I who live, but Christ in me (Gal. 2:20). So, if Christ is in me, shouldn’t I then feel the need to go out, not sit around? Far too many get this mixed up.
Now, back in the day, a breastplate was also a sign of rank. Though we must not fall into the trap of arrogance that so many have. By showing rank, our righteousness shows who we are. We are not of the world. We do righteous works because Christ is in us.
3.       The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace.
Back in the days of Paul, shoes were something very important. The sun would constantly heat up the rocks and sand, and without shoes, one would stumble and fall because of the burning heat of the ground on which they walked. This is the same for us as Christians. Without the Gospel of Peace, we will stumble. It is something we must take with us everywhere. This then results in us walking rightly. If we don’t bring this with us, we will stumble. Now, the Gospel of Peace is not a Gospel that is always nice. This is the Gospel that brings those who believe it the peace which surpasses understanding (Phil. 4:7).
4.       The Shield of Faith.
Plenty of people can say “If I just have enough faith, nothing can hurt me!” Wait… what? Please, define “faith”.
Too many people use the word “faith” incorrectly. It is a nice little word that makes them sound more spiritual (kind of like the word “bless”). But, what does it mean? If people actually knew what true faith is, they wouldn’t have anything to do with it (or, at least, they would say this).
The shield of faith is something that we must have with us. This faith is that which is in the work of Christ. Many people think that faith is believing that God is real. Yet, many people believe that. Though, many more people outright deny the complete saving work of Christ! The faith most people have is more than common. Everyone has faith in something. I have faith that the cells in my body are working correctly, though I cannot see them directly. I have faith that there really is a place called “Texas”, though I have never been there myself. Though, this is something I would consider “common faith”, as I have mentioned.
But the shield of faith is a faith that very, very few people have. Some may claim that people like the Catholics have it, yet you look at their work-based religion, and realize they are far from the Truth. This shield is that of the faith in the saving work of Christ. We believe, and must be certain, that His work was complete, and that we are saved by faith through Him, and Him alone.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). Now, the “flaming arrows” it mentions here are not real arrows. They are much, much worse. Do not fear the one who can shoot you and kill your body, fear the one who can damn them both to hell for eternity. Temptation, weaknesses, arrogance and many other things are all tools, or “flaming arrows” that Satan uses to bring us down. Yet, if we have faith that we are saved, this will protect us from all of these attacks.
And, as a soldier wants, we desire a strong shield. A very strong shield. The stronger the shield, the better it defends against the attacks of the enemy. This is the part of our armor that defends us from the biggest of attacks. It must be the largest defense of our armor.
5.       The Helmet of Salvation.
This protects something that is very, very important; Our mind. After all, whatever dominates our thinking will dominate our lives one way or another. Thus, the helmet of Salvation must cover our thinking. We must have the realization that we are saved on our minds at all times (not that we should always think “I’m saved”, lest this become typical thinking and we forget the reality of it). This is something that deals with all fears, worries and doubts. How can we despair if the knowledge that we are saved is in us? If it is a part of our thinking? If it is a reality to us? This assurance is something we must never take off, otherwise we will be hit by the sword of fear, and this is more than likely to bring us to death.
6.       The Sword of the Spirit.
Haha! My favorite part.
I have mentioned this before, but I cannot help but make it clear. This is not a real sword. Many think that it is. They think that we must beat and/or kill anyone who denies the Truth. But, what good does that do? Is that not an arrogant position? Are we not to be those who look on all who are alive as potential Christians? What good would it do a military recruiter to go out and kill anyone who says “No” to joining the military? We need not degrade ourselves to the level of every other religion in the world.
Now, what is this sword? The word of God. But how is this a sword? Allow me to explain…
The word of God (the Truth) is our offensive weapon, as well as a defensive weapon. This, along with the shield of faith, make for the greatest combination of defensive tools any man can wield.
a.       Defensive: When we are attacked, the first thing we do is pull out the sword. We use the Truth of God’s word to defend ourselves. This is not something new, is it? Yet, so many fear to use it, because “It may offend someone.” Really? What kind of attitude is this? What soldier is fearful that his weapon might kill his enemy? Yet, many drop this sword and try to use “other, less offensive ways” to lead someone to the very sword they dropped. When we are attacked, the Truth of God’s word can defend itself. God does not need the ideas of man to defend His Truth, which is the Truth. We do not add to this sword. Nor do we take away from it. A soldier does not push a flashlight into the barrel of his gun to make it more accurate. “But look!” he says, “It’s brighter!” The Truth is a defensive tool (along with the shield of faith) that needs no aid. (Read Ps. 18:30.)
b.    Offensive: We are commanded to go to war, but not with earthly tools. (See John 18:10-11.)
As 2 Tim. 4:1-5 commands, it is our work here to go out and to preach the Truth, no matter how it is taken or rejected. In season and out of season. The Truth is our sword, which we use to attack the work of Satan. What good does it do to kill the horse and not the rider? People are just the horse, and are only following the lead of their rider, that being Satan, who uses the sin in us. And, without the Truth, we all would be under the control of sin (don’t give Satan too much credit).
The word of God is the most powerful weapon we can use. Compared to the sword of man, there is simply no competition. "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Heb. 4:12

Our Duty As Soldiers
1.       Prayer.
I shall not stay long on this part, as I have already dealt with it in a previous note. But, it must be clarified that we are to pray as soldiers. Why? Does it change anything? Nay, but it is used of God. Why did Christ pray? Did God change His mind when Christ asked that He forgive those who beat Him? No. Prayer is something we get to do as soldiers. God does not hear the prayer of the enemy (John 9:31).
2.       Boldness.
What soldier is timid with his sword? Hopefully not one. We, as soldiers in Christ, use our sword with confidence. The Truth is something we must be clear on. Certainty is required of us for the Truth when we speak it. It truly is “as I ought to speak”. We are fearless before men, not because of anything we have done, but that we armed with the Truth of God’s word, not man’s. We do not use our sword boldly at certain times, but rather, we use it “whenever [we] speak”. We must fearlessly “make known” this Truth.
We do not come before men with arrogance, as so many do. This is not ours to do. With come with the clear knowledge that this is in fact the Truth that we bring, and we have no fear in using it. We treat this sword with great respect as well, because it is not our Truth, but the word of God. Thus, if we really do come bringing this Truth, which is outside of ourselves, we do not come before mankind demanding that they submit (this is not how Christ did it), but rather, we live by the Truth, and speak it wherever we go, making clear that it is needed for eternal life (living by it). Thus, we need not fear mankind. We fear only the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell.
3.       Chains?
How can we be a soldier in chains, much less an ambassador? Isn’t this a direct contradiction to what Paul was just talking about? The truth is that all men are chained to something. We are all slaves to someone. Be it sin or God. There is no true freedom. Though many are chained to the sin of the world, and claim that it is true freedom, we are chained to the Truth. We joyfully carry it with us through life. And when we die, it is not cut loose, but rather, we see it for all of its glory. We are given the strength to fully carry it, without fear of being too weak. After all, we do not want to get rid of our sword, do we?

Declare the Gospel of Peace.
This is our calling as soldiers. This Gospel truly does bring peace that no one outside of Christ can understand. And, contrary to popular belief, this is truly worth fighting for. The Truth is not something we can toss around as though it is useless. It is what we live by.
And, one would think that, with a choice of Heaven or hell, everyone would choose Heaven. Yet, the opposite is true. Without Christ, we all would choose hell. Eternal pain. The cost of hell is temporal earthly “freedom”, while the cost of Heaven is earthly persecution, only to lead to eternal joy in Heaven. And even while we are on this earth, we have a joy that surpasses understanding. We understand why it is called the Gospel of Peace. This is why we treat all living human beings as potential Christians. We know not whether someone is saved, thus we always keep room in case they are truly brought to the Truth.
This war will be won, not by our efforts, nor by the enemy, but by God, and His work alone. He will arm His soldiers with the Armor, though many believe we do this on our own. How can this be? Paul tells us to put it on. Us. Ah yes, but what else does Paul say? It is Christ who lives in us. Therefore, God will arm his soldiers with the best armor there is. Truth, righteousness, the Gospel, faith, Salvation and the word of God. There truly is no higher calling than this, and this war is worth fighting for.

Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. Also if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules. The hard-working farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops. Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. - 2 Tim. 2:3-7.


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