What's so great about... Friday?

 This is obviously not his best picture day

One of the most entertaining parts of my week is the time when I come across something new involving Joel Osteen. He most certainly brings me joy when I see the humorous (yet sad) attempts at misusing the Truth for his own desires. His latest attempt? Amazing... [In the negative sort of way]

As I was going through one of the CBD catalogs (Christian Book Distributors), I leaped back in shock as I saw a rather horrifying looking picture. This picture was one of both a disturbing smile and a look of complete ignorance. And, after about five long minutes of covering my eyes, I was at long last able to lift my hands and see the title of the Joel Osteen's new book, "Every Day A Friday: How to be happy 7 days a week". Wait... What? 

"The title comes from research that shows people are happiest on Fridays" says the description on Amazon.com. "Pastor Joel Osteen writes how we can generate this level of contentment and joy every day of the week." Well, I myself have mixed feelings about Fridays. It is the last work day for most, and is also the day we have fried food for supper. It is also a day that can often be seen with the feeling of failure, as it is the last day of work/school for most people, and if the planned amount of work is not met, failure is of course the feeling. 
So, why should everyday be a Friday for this guy? Because a study shows that happiness goes up "10%" on Friday, because of the looking forward to the weekend. So, in other words, to be happy all week, all you need to do is trick yourself into thinking it's Friday. 
Alas, it gets worse. 
"Combining his personal experiences with scriptural insights and principles for true happiness, he shows readers how every day can hold the same promise and opportunities for pure joy that they experience at five o'clock on Friday."

The Reality
Joel says that we can live happily like Fridays simply by following a few of his steps, involving lifting yourself up, being a dream builder of others and smiling through it all. Oops. He forgot something. 
"One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God. For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living."

So, should we live every day as a Friday? Where do we find our joy? In Fridays alone? If so, should this then be spread across the other days of the week? Should we not find our joy in the Lord, not in the day of the week? "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me " (Gal. 2:20). 

"Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Tim. 3:12). 


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